
Mutual of Omaha Burial Insurance [Secrets & Rates Revealed]

Are you considering purchasing a Mutual Of Omaha insurance plan? Mutual Of Omaha is a well known company that has been around since 1990. Mutual Of Omaha’s provides insurance coverage for individuals between 45 to 85.

They offer a variety of plans along with riders to customize your coverage and meet your specific needs. They usually advertise the Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life policy, which can be attractive to certain individuals.

However, there are restrictions to the riders and additional benefits you can have depending on your state. Mutual Of Omaha also has fine print in their Whole Life policy that means you are not fully covered when you first get your policy.

There are different ways to go about buying a Mutual Of Omaha plan, and the method you choose will directly affect your options and coverage limit.

While Mutual Of Omaha may seem like a good choice for you, there are some important questions you need to ask before making your final decision. Mutual Of Omaha is most certainly not the best choice for everyone, read on to learn why.

What is the fine print I need to understand when buying a Mutual Of Omaha plan? Should I apply for a Guaranteed Life insurance policy? How should you go about buying a Mutual Of Life policy so your options are not limited? In this article I will answer those questions and more.

Read on to find the answers.

Looking for a quote for life insurance or burial insurance? Click here and send me a message with details of what you’re wanting to accomplish. If you’d prefer to talk live, call 888-626-0439 to speak with me directly.

Here’s An Overview Of Today’s Topics:

Video Reviews

Take a look at these videos to learn more about Mutual Of Omaha and the policies they provide.

  • What is included in Mutual Of Omaha’s life insurance policy and what fine print do you need to know before you buy from Mutual Of Omaha?

Mutual of Omaha Whole Life Insurance Policy – My Review

  • In this video I will cover Burial Insurance rates for Mutual Of Omaha and the fine print that you need to know about!

Mutual Of Omaha Burial Insurance Rates & Secrets Revealed

Who Is Mutual Of Omaha Good For?

Mutual Of Omaha offers insurance plans that are good for individuals with moderate health. They have a Whole Life product that offers Guaranteed Acceptance.

Their life insurance policies have competitive rates for those with mild arthritis, blindness, gout, Hepatitis B, gout, herpes, scoliosis, ulcerative colitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and anxiety.

They also offer riders where you can add on a second individual or a child.

How Do Mutual Of Omaha Plans Work?

Mutual Of Omaha provides a good variety of plans and riders to mix and match. They offer Whole Life plans which never cancel as long as you pay the premium.

They also have Term Life insurance which is purchased in increments of ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty years. Term insurance does cancel when the term ends. You can, however, renew the coverage.

Mutual Of Omaha also offers life insurance products that build cash value and are directly tied to the stock market. (More on these later)

Available Plans 

Mutual Of Omaha has many plans to choose from. Read on to see a description of each plan and their coverage.

Whole Life

Living Promise Graded Benefit Plan 

This plan is one of 3 whole life insurance options. Two of their three whole life insurance options are considered to be living promised policies. The first of the living promised policies is this plan, the Graded Benefit Plan.

This plan covers applicants who are between 45 and 80 years of age. The benefits can be between $2,000 to $20,000. The benefits are never reduced due to health conditions or your age. Tobacco use and your health are not factored into your premiums.

If you were to die because of natural causes within the first two years of purchasing the plan your beneficiary will not receive the benefit payouts. They would only receive the premiums you have already paid plus 10%.

However if you were to pass from an accident within the first two years  your beneficiary would receive the full benefit. If you pass from any other causes after the two-year wait is up your beneficiary will receive the benefits.

There are a few limitations to consider. The limitation to your coverage is if you are in Washington. The benefit limits are $5,000 to $40,000. And If you live in New York the age of the applicant must be between 50 to 70.

Living Promise Level Benefit Plan 

The living promise level benefit is the second Living Promise whole life option. It is also a level benefit plan and it is available to individuals between 45 and 85 years of age.

Mutual of Omaha’s whole life products are guaranteed issues if you buy them online. This means that there will be no health questions asked and no medical exam that you must take. Coverage when you apply online is between $2,000 to $25,000.

However if you purchased through an agent you will have to answer a few medical questions. When you purchase coverage through an agent your coverage amount could reach $40,000.

This plan gives more and lifelong insurance coverage. It offers up to $40,000 in coverage when you apply with an agent. It involves a pretty simple underwriting process. If you apply online the coverage will be limited.

Guaranteed Plus Whole Life

Their guaranteed whole life product is available for purchase online or over the phone. This plan offers coverage between $2,000 and $25,000 for guaranteed coverage. Again, in the state of Washington the coverage is different, it is between $5,000 and $25,000. Tobacco use or your health history will not be factored into your pricing.

You can apply for this plan between the ages of 45 to 85, and if you live in New York between 50 to 75. The benefits are not reduced.

Term Life

Mutual of Omaha’s term life policy offers ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty years of coverage. This coverage is level coverage Which means the benefit payout is the same and does not increase over time.

They offer two different term life products, Term Life Answers and Term Life Express.

The available riders you can add on a term life plan are:

  • Accelerated death benefit rider
  • Accidental death benefit rider
  • Child Protection rider
  • Disability waiver of premium rider
  • Other insured rider
  • Unemployment waiver of premium rider

The Term Life Answers policy is a more basic term life policy. The coverage amounts are set, the term lengths are set, and the customizable riders are limited. This policy offers coverage in term length of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. The minimum coverage amount you can get is $100,000 and the maximum coverage is variable depending on the applicant. You can apply for this coverage between the ages of 18 to 90 years old.

You can renew your coverage for another term, however, each time you renew your coverage or premium will increase. The policy will expire at the age of 95 years old.

SEE ALSO  The Ultimate Guide To Getting $20,000 In Burial Insurance

During the underwriting process applicants who do not require a medical exam can apply for the Term Life Express product. Otherwise they will have to go through the full underwriting process which includes a medical exam.

The Term Life Express policy is a more of a fast track option. It has no medical exam for specific kinds of applicants who apply for coverage  up to $300,000. With this policy your eligibility will depend on your health and age.

So if the policyholder were to pass within one year of having the policy they would receive the same amount of benefits as they would if they passed 10 years later.

With this product there are two riders that are included free of charge. They are the accelerated death benefit rider and the unemployment waiver of premium Rider.

The Term Life Express policy is not available in the state of New York.

Universal Life

Mutual of Omaha offers three different types of universal life insurance policies. These policies offer death benefits and a cash account.

AccumUL Answers 

This product provided through United of Omaha is their standard universal life product. It offers flexible premiums depending on where you are financially as well as a flexible cash benefit.

This product carries a guaranteed cash value increase of 2% a year. It is a permanent insurance policy that  provides a cash account, death benefit, and your life insurance policy.

Guaranteed universal Life Insurance 

This is a universal policy that doesn’t lapse  if the cash value is 0.  This is a benefit because usually permanent life insurance policies can lapse if their cash value were to reach or go below zero. The policy would then be terminated.

This policy focuses more on providing the policyholder with a stable insurance policy instead of a cash account that builds value over time. With this product you can worry less about your policy lapsing and terminating if your account goes below zero.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

The indexed universal life product is offered through United of Omaha Life Protection Advantage and Income Advantage policies. Both of those plans offer a permanent death benefit. Bold and the plans have cash value which is similar to the AccumUL plan.

The difference with these policies is that the interest rate on your cash account is directly tied to the stock market’s performance.

Income Advantage SM

This product is an indexed universal life insurance that carries the factors mentioned above. The only difference between this product and the Life Protection Advantage product is that this product emphasizes growing the cash value while also guaranteeing no negative risk.

This helps to protect the policy holder’s account because Universal Life policies that are tied to the stock market can actually have a negative cash value growth.

Available Riders

Accelerated death benefit rider, this rider allows you to access up to 80% or $1,000,000 of your policies death benefits if you are diagnosed with terminal illness and have less than 12 months to live.

Accidental death benefit rider, this rider will pay out an extra death benefit on top of your policies base benefit if you pass due to accidental injuries.

Child Protection rider, this rider will cover eligible children and provide them with life insurance. It covers any future or current children between 15 days to 20 years of age. The coverage limit is between $1,000 to $10,000.

Disability waiver of premium rider, this rider allows your premiums to be waived for 6 months if you become totally disabled.

Other Insured rider, this covers a second individual with the same terms as your base policy. The second individual’s premium will be based on the other insured persons age and health.

Unemployment waiver of premium rider, this rider allows you to not have to pay your premium for 6 months if you become unemployed. You have to have had the policy for at least two years at the time of unemployment to qualify.

What Are The Fine Print Problems?

The biggest fine print issue that you should pay attention to is the two-year wait that is involved with Mutual of Omaha’s whole life insurance products.

The two-year wait clause or fine print means that upon purchasing your insurance policy you will not receive full coverage until 2 years have passed. Accidental death is covered within the two-year wait, however if you were to die of natural causes your family will not receive the benefits you had paid into. They would only receive the premiums back plus a small amount of interest.

Mutual Of Omaha Pro’s

Mutual Of Omaha offers a variety of flexible plans for different individuals needs.

The main pros of MOA are:

  1. Good variety of plans and riders
  2. Many options for seniors
  3. Online quotes
  4. Purchase coverage online, by phone, or through an agent
  5. Coverage for tobacco users

Good Variety Of Plans And Riders

Mutual Of Omaha offers over 15 different plans for riders. Anything from residential damage to accidental death can be covered with a MOA plan or rider. Most insurance companies will offer riders, however MOA offers some unique riders such as their common carrier accident benefits or waiver of premium. The only downside here is, depending on what state you live in you may not be able to buy certain riders.

Many Options For Seniors 

Mutual Of Omaha provides a variety of insurance products for seniors. Whole Life can be purchased up to 85 and their Term Life product can be renewed until age 94 (coverage ending at age 95).

Online Quotes 

Through Mutual Of Omaha’s website, customers can get a quote after entering your name, age, and coverage level. This allows customers to get an idea of their premium for a specific plan before purchasing. This feature is not unique to Mutual Of Omaha though, most insurance companies offer online quotes now.

There are companies that offer quotes from multiple insurance providers. This allows you to compare rates and make sure you get a competitive premium. We at buylifeinsuranceforburial.com offer this option. Click here and send me a message with details of what you’re wanting to accomplish. If you’d prefer to talk live, call 888-626-0439 to speak with me directly.

Purchase Coverage Online, Through The Phone, Or Through An Agent

When you decide on a Mutual Of Omaha plan, you can purchase it one of three ways. You can purchase a plan over the phone, online, or with an agent. These convenient purchasing methods are very common with insurance providers today. So while this is a pro for Mutual Of Omaha, it is not unique to them.

Coverage For Tobacco Users

The last pro I will mention is Mutual Of Omaha’s coverage for those who use Tobacco.  Smoking, chewing tobacco, vaping etc. Their Whole Life coverage will not take into account tobacco use or factor it into your acceptance or policy price. It will not affect your Whole Life rates at all. However, if you use tobacco, your Term Life rates will be affected.

Mutual Of Omaha Cons

Before you make your final decision though, it is important to consider the cons.

The main cons of Mutual Of Omaha are:

  1. Long purchase time
  2. Buying online limits your options
  3. Account adjustment limited
  4. Graded benefits and two year wait

Long Purchasing Time

Mutual Of Omaha has a slow purchasing process. Mutual Of Omaha says on their website that the average amount of time it takes an individual to complete the process is about one month. This is much slower than average. Usually individuals can purchase insurance instantly online or within a couple days using an agent.

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Buying Insurance Online Limits Options

If you choose to buy your insurance online, you will be limited in the plans you can buy and the coverage you can get.  Purchasing insurance with an agent will give you access to all the plans the company has. If you want a higher coverage amount you may have to purchase directly through an agent. 

Account Adjustment Limited

Some individuals decide to change their beneficiary or coverage after purchasing the plan. You cannot adjust those details online with Mutual Of Omaha. If you want to make account changes you will need to directly contact an agent or fax/mail in the changes.

Graded Benefits And Two-Year Wait

Mutual Of Omaha has certain limitations and fine print on their plans. Their Whole Life plan has different levels of benefits. With their Living Promise Graded Benefits plan, if the policy holder passes due to natural causes the beneficiary will receive the premiums paid + 10%. They will not receive any of the actual benefits.

If the policy holder passes due to an accident within the first two year, the beneficiary will receive the benefits. If the policy holder passes because of any other cause after the two year wait is finished the beneficiary will also receive the full benefits.

Mutual Of Omaha Customer Reviews

Mutual Of Omaha carries a 6.0 out of 10 on Policygenius for their customers experience. The main issues were that the application process can take a bit longer than average.

They carry a ratio of 1.20 with the NAIC. Take a look at Mutual Of Omaha’s rating here. The national average ratio of complaints is 1.0. These ratios are determined by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Since Mutual Of Omaha gets a ratio of 1.2 this means they get a few more complaints than average.

Nerd Wallet rates Mutual Of Omaha 4.0 out of 5. View their rating here. Their only con they mentioned was the slightly higher than average complaint ratio.

So overall, Mutual Of Omaha performs just below average in this area.

Mutual Of Omaha Customer Service

As far as customer service, Mutual Of Omaha is ranked No.5 out of 21 insurance companies in a J.D. Life Insurance Study done in 2021 to rank customer satisfaction. View the study here.

Canceling Policies

To cancel a Mutual Of Omaha policy you can call 800-775-6000 and request your policy be canceled. You could also write a letter to the company’s local office.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of your policy depends on your age, health, and coverage amount. Take a look at a few examples below.

Term Coverage , 20 year term, $1,000,000 in coverage

Age Female Male
35 $61.28 $74.18
40 $88.80 $109.44
45 $131.80 $171.36
55 $295.20 $406.14
65 $920.42 $1,359.02

For those over 70 who would like coverage of $1,000,000 or more you will have to contact an agent directly to get your quotes.

Mutual Of Omaha Burial Insurance Prices. Compare $10,000 in coverage and $20,000 in coverage.

AGE Female $10,000 Male $10,000
45 $22.61 $27.11
50 $24.31 $30.68
55 $27.71 $35.95
60 $32.87 $43.76
65 $41.01 $56.48
70 $53.24 $74.61
75 $72.41 $99.97
80 $98.43 $139.73
85 $135.90 $192.74
AGE Female $20,000 Male $20,000
45 $42.01 $51.01
50 $45.41 $58.15
55 $52.21 $68.69
60 $62.53 $84.32
65 $78.82 $109.75
70 $103.28 $146.01
75 $141.62 $196.74
80 $193.66 $276.26
85 $268.60 $382.27

How Does Making A Claim Work?

The beneficiary on the policy must complete and submit the claim form. They must also provide a certified copy of the deceased’s death certificate and the original insurance contact.

Where Can I Find How Much I Will Be Paid?

You can confirm how much you should be paid by looking at the policy or certificate.

What If The Primary Beneficiary Has Passed Away?

If the primary beneficiary is deceased, the benefits can be paid to a contingent or secondary beneficiary. This is an alternative beneficiary the policyholder could have chosen when they were setting up the policy. If they did not select an alternative beneficiary the benefits can be paid to the estate of the policyholder.

If the benefits are paid to an estate a court appointed representative should be the one to complete the claim forms. A copy of the Court appointment document should also be provided along with any other requested documents.

How Long Does It Take To Receive My Benefits?

Usually, life insurance companies will pay out the benefits of the policyholder within 30 to 60 days after you have submitted the forms and other documents. If there are any issues with your document this could delay the process.

Make sure you provide the correct documents and confirm the documents are in an acceptable form. For example some documents may need to be certified by a lawyer.

How Does Mutual Of Omaha Compare To Their Competitors?

When comparing insurance providers there are a few factors that make a difference. They are:

  • Price Point
  • Customer Reviews
  • Ease of Application
  • Coverage Amount

Price Point

Mutual Of Omaha has higher rates across all of their age groups for their Term life product. See the chart below.

20 to 29 $27.00 $30.32
30 to 39 $30.37 $32.46
40 to 49 $60.76 $70.30
50 to 59 $151.54 $178.24
60 to 69 $493.98 $597.92

That being said, Mutual Of Omaha’s Term Life product has competitive pricing for those who have Anxiety, Hep B, Blindness, and Mild Arthritis.

Customer Reviews/Satisfaction

Overall, Mutual Of Omaha performs well in customer satisfaction. They were ranked 5 out of 21 in a 2021 study of different insurance companies’ customer satisfaction. Reference the study 2021 US Individual Life Insurance Study | JD Power

Consumer Affairs collects direct reviews from clients. On Consumer Affairs Mutual Of Omaha has a 3.7/5 rating. Click here to see their rating.

Ease Of Application 

Mutual Of Omaha provides insurance products online, over the phone, or with an agent. The insurance products online are limited though. In comparison to their competitors, Mutual Of Omaha does not stand out in this aspect.

Coverage Amount

Mutual Of Omaha offers plans with coverage between $2,000 to $1,000,000. This is a great range to meet many different individuals’ needs.

Are There Better Options?

While Mutual Of Omaha can provide adequate plans for certain individuals it is always a wise idea to compare before you buy.

There are definitely better Whole Life options out there. Before you make your final decision, make sure you consider all your options!

There will be other companies who offer cheaper rates and better overall coverage. Contact us and we will do the shopping around for you. Let us know your needs and we will go to work. Call 888 626 0439.


Why Should I Get Life Insurance?

Getting life insurance is important for family heads, parents, and couples. Life insurance is meant to cover the lost income that a family or household would need to work hard to cover if the individual passed.

There are many expenses a family is suddenly faced with when a loved one passes. Life insurance allows the family to continue covering daily expenses, mortgage, and other needs.

What Is Rate Reconsideration?

If your health improves while you hold a Mutual Of Omaha product you can apply to have your premiums lowered. You usually have to wait one year to qualify for this rate reconsideration.

How Does Universal Life Insurance Work?

The cash account is tied to the performance of a specific stock index. A stock index tracks a group of stocks. An insurance company will choose one or more stock indexes and payout interest to a policyholder based on that specific stock index’s performance.

SEE ALSO  Burial Insurance Quotes

If the stock index does well no value goes up, the account will earn the policyholder interest. However, if the stock does not do well and its value drops, the policyholder will earn less or nothing.

The cash account is funded from the premiums that you pay. So you send in a payment each month, and after the insurance company takes out the premium and the cost of any Riders you have chosen, the rest of the cash is added to your account. If you miss or skip a premium payment the fees will be taken directly from your cash account.

The amount of money that you can earn can also be limited. The “floor” is the lowest amount of interest you can earn, and the “cap” cap is the highest amount of interest you can earn.

This kind of life insurance product can provide you with more control over your death benefits and your payments. You can increase your benefits depending on what you need. The rates are also driven by the stock market, so when the stock market grows your insurance policies cash value will grow as well.

The negative aspects of this plan are the risk involved by tying your cash to the stock market. The returns are also capped or Limited. And the fees are flexible, so the fees can increase over time and start eating into your payments.

Is United Of Omaha Life Insurance The Same As Mutual Of Omaha Life Insurance?

Mutual of Omaha is the parent company of United of Omaha life insurance. United Of Omaha Provides individual life and annuity products to their customers. United of Omaha insurance company is a Mutual of Omaha main subsidiary.

What If I Have Pre-Existing Health Issues, Can I Still Be Covered?

The answer is YES! Anyone can receive coverage no matter your health. There are so many different insurance providers and product options.

The only challenge is the time it takes to find the right company and plan for you. That’s why do it for you at buylifeinsuranceforburial.com.

If you have bad health or have been rejected before, the Guaranteed Acceptance product allows those with bad health to qualify for coverage.

While I would not suggest a very healthy and insurable individual get a Guaranteed Acceptance plan, if you do have serious health issues, it may be a good option for you.

Your insurance options will depend on your age and health. Even if you have had health issues recently, you will qualify for some kind of life or final expense insurance.

There are Guaranteed Acceptance policies. These policies ask no questions and guarantee coverage acceptance. Contact one of our agents by clicking the Get A Quote Now button or calling 888 626 0439.

What Should You Do?

So, what should you choose? Should you go with a Mutual Of Omaha plan? Or another option. Well, to answer that question you need to understand the amount of coverage and features you need.

Do you need:

  • Cheap payments
  • A high benefit
  • No medical exam
  • Coverage really fast
  • Coverage for your kids
  • Coverage for your spouse
  • Something else

Make a note of the needs you have. How much can you spend each month? How much coverage would you like? Are you a very healthy person? Those questions and a few others will help you make a decision.

Once you know WHAT you need, you can choose what plan you will buy. But you need to start researching your options and comparing.

You could do that on your own, or you could call us. We do the shopping and research for you. We aim to provide you with ALL your qualifying options and we are there to answer any and all questions you have.

I encourage you to give us a call and take a few minutes to get a quote. Within a few minutes you can have the answers to important insurance questions and a few quotes to consider.

Here’s the bottom line. When you buy insurance for final expenses, you want to make sure the insurance product is not just the best price, but the most coverage from the beginning. This is pivotal. This is why I’m doing this because I can help you out.

Once you click on that link – or go to buylifeinsuranceforburial.com –you’ll see all sorts of different information on how I can help you. You can submit a form to get more information.

I would be more than happy to talk to you, give you information on how things work under a no-obligation, no-pressure approach. If you like what I say, great. If not, that’s fine too. My job is just to give you the facts, and you decide for yourself if it’s a good deal for you and your family.


  1. Learn more about level death benefits and what these policies involve. Click the link below to read more.Level Death Benefit Definition
  2. Consider a review of Mutual of Omaha life insurance. Right over the pros and cons of the company, click the link below to read more.Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Company Review
  3. Take a look at an in-depth review of Mutual of Omaha life insurance. The review is provided by nerdwallet.com. Click the link below to read more. Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Review 2022: Pros and Cons – NerdWallet
  4.  Read this Mutual of Omaha insurance review and consider their different kinds of insurance policies and products. Click the link below.Mutual of Omaha Insurance Review: Best Guaranteed Whole Life – ValuePenguin
  5.  Learn more about universal life insurance and index universal life Insurance’s. Click the link below to read more.A Guide to Indexed Universal Life Insurance – NerdWallet
  6. Is United of Omaha and Mutual of Omaha the same? Find the answer here.United of Omaha Life Insurance Company | SelectQuote Carrier
  7.  Redo a review of Mutual of Omaha’s plans and other products. Click the link below.Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company – Profile and Review | AnnuityAdvantage
  8.  Read a review of Mutual of Omaha. Click the link below.Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance Review
  9.  Read this case study on 21 different insurance companies and their client satisfaction. Click the link below.2021 US Individual Life Insurance Study | JD Power
  10.  Take a look at a guide on canceling a Mutual of Omaha plan. Click the link below.How To Cancel Mutual of Omaha Policies [Top Hacks]
  11. Look at consumer affairs reviews of Mutual of Omaha. Click the link below to read more.Top 171 Mutual of Omaha Life  

    How To Apply For Coverage

    Ready to apply for Mutual Of Omaha’s burial insurance product? The application process is simple. Call us at 888-626-0439. We’ll ask you your goals in addition to the health questions, and determine ahead of time if we think we can qualify you for Mutual of Omaha. If we can’t, we’ll tell you that, too, and suggest alternatives. Once you like the price and coverage we show you, we’ll complete an electronic application. It’s real easy. No paperwork required. All you do is point and click a few times and sign everything online. Typically in a day or two we get back a decision from the company. No worries about waiting weeks or months on end. There are no exams, nothing that will slow the process down. Just apply and see if there is a decision.

    Next Steps

    David Duford, owner of buy life insurance for burial with his twin daughters

    My twin girls Emily and Eva thank you for reading, and hope you’ve gained truly valuable information on your search for life or burial insurance. If you’re ready to discover your options for life or burial insurance, call me at 888-626-0439 now for your free life insurance quote!

    If you like the idea of qualifying for Mutual of Omaha’s burial insurance program or any final expense life insurance program, there are two ways to do it. You can request a free quote here, or you can click the message box to message me. Or, just call me directly at 888-626-0439 and speak to me live. My team or I tell you exactly what you or a loved one can qualify for in about five to 10 minutes. It’s a very simple process, very easy to do, and it’s no obligation either. As you can tell, I’m pretty easygoing. I just want to help you if you want to be helped. You can do whatever you want to with the information. There’s no obligation to do business.