
Everquote Funeral Insurance Plans Review

Most likely, you’re here because you’ve seen a commercial from EverQuote Funeral Insurance describing their final expense life insurance policies. 

And now, you’re wondering whether or not an EverQuote Final Expense Plan is the best deal for you.

I’m guessing your goal is to protect your loved ones against the high cost of burial and funeral expenses?

Maybe you’re looking for life or burial insurance on someone else, like your:

If so, continue reading!

This article will detail exactly how the EverQuote Funeral Insurance Program works so you can decide whether or not it suits your final expense needs.

Here are the topics that I’ll address:

  • How EverQuote Funeral Insurance Plans Work
  • A Closer Look at EverQuote Insurance Plan’s Fine Print!
  • What To Expect When You Call EverQuote Insurance Advisors
  • Why You Should Consider a Second Opinion
  • Next Steps to Getting a Burial Insurance Quote

Let’s begin!

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How EverQuote Final Expense Plans Work

It’s essential that you understand the inner workings of how EverQuote Final Expense Programs work. Not all insurance providers are the same, and some life insurance programs are better than others. 

So, of course, you need to understand the facts before making a decision; make sense?

EverQuote Final Expense Programs offer “simplified issue whole life insurance.”

The main benefits are listed below:

  • Your coverage NEVER cancels due to age or health (as long as you continue paying your premium payments).
  • Your premium-rate never increases for any reason and is locked in FOREVER.
  • If you qualify, you may receive first-day full coverage for both natural and accidental death.

Simplified issue whole life insurance programs are perfect at covering final expenses, much like the EverQuote Insurance commercial claims.

At BuyLifeInsuranceForBurial.com, we sell these types of plans too. That’s because we want to offer our clients total peace of mind. And that’s exactly what these plans do. 

Peace Of Mind!

Since no one knows when death will occur, having a permanent plan that NEVER cancels or increases provides a level of certainty that other products can not.

SEE ALSO  TruStage Life Insurance Review: Fine Print & Rates Revealed

EverQuote Programs also boast that their plans start at $0.85 a day! And they also claim to offer cover with an immediate payout of $30,000 with no medical exams, even if you have a pre-existing medical condition. 

Sounds good so far… But shall we have a look at the fine print? 

A Closer Look at EverQuote Insurance Plan’s Fine Print!

As with all life insurance products, consumers MUST check the fine print. You need to confirm that what you’re qualifying for is actually going to offer you the best deal possible.

Without further ado, let’s jump in and cover some of the “fine print” issues.

NOTE – the video I’ll refer to in the forthcoming paragraphs is directly below me if you’d like to fact-check what I’m saying:

EverQuote Final Expense Commercial

Fine Print Issue #1 – Starting at $0.85 Per Day

Around the 29-second mark of the commercial, the fine print states that the $0.85 per day rate is based on a non-smoking 50-year old female who’s in good health. 

Most likely, you’re older than 50. Plus, there’s no guarantee you’re in good health and don’t smoke. All of these factors, including whether your male or female, will affect the rate they offer. 

Chances are your price will be much higher than the suggested rate. 

Fine Print Issue #2 – $30,000 in Coverage

If you listen to the commercial again, you might notice that the amount of coverage is only UP TO $30,000—not exactly $30,000. 

Of course, this can mislead viewers into thinking that they’re always going to get $30,000. But that’s not the case. In truth, $30,000 is the limit—the maximum amount you can qualify for. 

This means there’s a good chance you’re not going to get $30,000 in coverage for 85 cents a day as some may think based on how the commercial displays.

Fine Print Issue #3 – Immediate Approval

Around the 46-second mark, they mention a plan with immediate approval. It’s written on the screen as well.

SEE ALSO  The Ultimate Guide To Getting $20,000 In Burial Insurance

But if you look closely, you’ll see an asterisk saying, “This is only for those who qualify.”

More on that later.

Fine Print Issue #4 – No Waiting Period (First Day Full Coverage)

Same as above. At the 46 second mark, you’ll see that the EverQuote Final Expense Program claims there’s “NO waiting period.” This again is subject to your approval and dependent upon other variables.

The point is that NOT everybody who calls in is going to get first-day full coverage. 

Fine Print Issue #5 – Call Now For Immediate Approval

Again, this is subject to whether you qualify. Plus, immediate approval doesn’t mean you’re fully covered. 

What To Expect When You Call EverQuote Insurance Advisors

Now that we’ve introduced some of the issues within the fine print, you’re probably thinking, “Well, what will they offer then?” 

Let me give you an idea of what will happen when you call the 1-800 number for a final expense life insurance quote.

First of all, EverQuote Insurance advisors are Brokers. This means that they’ll offer different companies in an attempt to provide you with the best coverage at the best price. 

To be honest, I’m not 100% sure what companies they offer. But, if you go to their website, you can see their list of companies, which includes: 

  • Fidelity life, 
  • Gerber Life, 
  • John Hancock, 
  • Liberty Bankers, 
  • Mutual of Omaha, and, 
  • Phoenix Life.

These are all reputable companies that offer good final expense coverage.

“If I call in, will I really get immediate first-day full coverage?”

That totally depends on your health. 

Because EverQuote Insurance advisors have access to multiple carriers, they will shop around for the best price. But this is a good thing

Instead of forcing your needs to match one plan, they’ll compare multiple options, giving you a better chance at figuring out what the best combination of price and coverage is for you. 

SEE ALSO  Mutual of Omaha Burial Insurance [Secrets & Rates Revealed]

This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll secure first-day full coverage, though. 

In some cases, EverQuote Insurance advisors will even offer a no-questions-asked policy (as long as you’re within the age range) if you cannot qualify for any other program.

Why Seek A Second Opinion?

We here at BuyLifeInsuranceForBurial.com operate a little bit differently than EverQuote Insurance advisors. 

Compared to EverQuote, we’re a small-time operator. Imagine a mom-and-pop insurance agency that helps people across the nation with final expense life insurance coverage.

We aim to provide the best support possible while offering our clients advice on what plan will best suit their needs. 

We operate similar to a brokerage company, meaning we offer a variety of different life insurance plans for our clients to help them secure the best final expense life insurance coverage available.

There have been plenty of times when our plans were superior compared to other agents because we have access to more than 20 insurance carriers (dependent on the state).

Combined with our vast knowledge of underwriting and which conditions qualify for which companies, many times, we secure our clients the best combination of pricing and coverage.

Next Steps to Getting a Burial Insurance Quote

Why not let us support you or your family with your final expense needs? We would love to help!

And it’s super easy to get in touch. You can do so either by filling out the quote form on the screen or simply by calling us directly at 888-626-0439 for a free quote within 10 minutes.

You’ll speak to either myself or one of my friendly service professionals, either Brad Layman or John Booker. The call is free, and there’s no obligation whatsoever.

We look forward to helping you soon! Thanks for reading. 

Disclaimer: We are not in any way affiliated with EverQuote. In fact, we are a direct competitor of theirs. This article is our personal review and our personal opinions of the company. If you are looking to contact EverQuote directly, call them at the phone number referenced in the commercial above.
