
Benefit Access Review [Scam Or Legit?]

IMPORTANT! Please read below: 

We are NOT Benefit Access. We are here to review and to help you know more about Benefit Access. Please do NOT call 888-626-0439 about Benefit Access. 

Discover what Benefit Access is all about and whether or not it’s a scam in this review article and for you to be informed keep to the best extent possible? Then perfect! This is the right article for you.

This article will help you get the facts you need to help your family and you benefit you the most.

And if you can click here then in a few minutes, you can learn more about the FREE benefits that the government could provide you if you are disabled or retired and on a fixed income!

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Who Is The Benefit Access Program

Discover what Benefit Access is all about and whether or not it’s a scam in this review article.

There is a Benefit Access Program in Illinois. The program provides Seniors to Ride Free Transit if you are 65 or older. Also, people with disabilities can Ride Free Transit and additional Secretary of State License Plate Discounts for eligible people depending on income.

  • single- $27,610
  • couple- $36,635 
  • If 3 or more people in household then- $45,657

What The Benefit Access Program Is

This Benefit Access Program was formerly known as the Circuit Breaker Program. It is now part of the Department on Aging’s Benefit Access Program. 

This program allows the Secretary of State’s office to receive help with transit rides and provide license plates for a reduced fee to help the senior citizen community and people with disabilities eligible under specific qualifications.

Benefit Access Program Benefits

  •     ​Seniors Ride Free Transit Benefit.
  •     Persons with Disabilities Free Transit Ride.
  •     Secretary of State License Plate Discount.

How It Works

At 65 years or older and if 16 or older and also totally disabled, then you can apply online with the Benefit Access Program of the Illinois Department on Aging for income-based eligibility. 

One vehicle per household is available for the licensed discount.

Senior Cost for Illinois License Plates

The Illinois Department on Aging decides whether or not to approve you for the Benefit Access Program. If approved, a letter from Jesse White, Secretary of State of Illinois, will arrive at your address.

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Make sure you save the letter or make a copy of it for safekeeping. You will present this approved letter from Jesse White, Secretary of State, when you either renew your license plate sticker or buy new license plates. The discounted rate is $24.

Eligibility For The Illinois Benefit Access Program

  • Before January, You must be 65 years of age or older before January 1 of the current year.
  • Your birthday must be by December 31 of the current calendar year you must turn 65 years of age.

To file for your application for the Benefit Access Program, click here

Eligibility for Disability Benefits:

  • Your birthday is January 1 of this year and 16 years old and totally disa

You can apply online for the Benefit Access Program for disabilities by clicking here.

Residency Requirements:

  • Of course, your residency is that you have to live in the state of Illinois at the time of application.

Income Requirements:

Income limits are new for January 1, 2021 for License Plate discount and Ride Free Transit Card.  

*Total income last year must be:

Call to check the new 2021 requirements or get an idea from the 2020 rates as before January 1, 2020, or After January 1, 2020.

  • Each household with 1 person income is less than $27,610 and is not more than $33,562
  • Each household with 2 people and an income is less than $36,635 and not more than $44,533
  • Each household with 3 people and an income is less than $45,657 and not more than than $55,500.

Remember this must include your spouse’s income if already married and living together as of December 31 last year. 

How To Apply For Your Benefits Online

Paper applications aren’t available. Go online to submit a Benefit Access Application and you will find out if you are eligible for benefits.

To file for your application for the Benefit Access Program, click here

It can sometimes take up to 8 weeks, depending on your documentation, to process and determine your eligibility for your Benefits Access Application. You can start to follow up on your application status after 48 hours of submitting your application.

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When approved, you can print out your certificate of eligibility. The certificate for approval for your license plate discount can be used 10 business days after the date you are approved.

You may go online and check the Website status of your application here.

You can take the printed certificate of eligibility to the Secretary of State’s Office or the local transit authority. If your request was made for the ride free benefit, then you should contact the local public transit system for more information for any additional requirements in order for you to obtain the free ride.

You can apply online for the Benefit Access Program for disabilities by clicking here.

For Information or Help Applying, Contact:

You may visit your local office of the following:

You can also call the toll-free number below at the Senior HelpLine: 

  • Call at 1-800-252-8966 or for (TTY) call at 1-888-206-1327. 

(When calling, make sure to have your Social Security number ready.) 

The phone is available from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday.

  • Or by E-mail at: Aging.ILSenior@illinois.gov

These contacts information can also help you to find a location near you.


Follow us @IllinoisDoA

APPLY at www.illinois.gov/aging

What Age Is Considered A Senior Citizen in Illinois?

At 55 years of age or older, an aged or senior citizen is a person nearing age 55 since opportunities for employment become difficult, and community life is less available or limited severely. The result is a difficulty to remain self-sufficient and the need for help and discounts.

Hence, 55 is considered a senior citizen by many businesses that offer discounts to this age group. Many perks are available and start for people age 55 and above.


Many times when people turn 55, it’s easier to use some of your retirement savings early for whatever reason if not to even cover other financial needs. This is good if you make sure you know all of the drawbacks or rules before you decide to spend your retirement savings.

Social Security Bonus Can Be Up to $17k That Most Retirees Completely Overlook

Many people have not reached their goals for their retirement savings yet by age 55 or even if you have the money. There are only a few people who know about Social Security benefits that can help ensure to literally boost your savings by maximizing your benefits available to you.

SEE ALSO  Life Insurance And Autoimmune Disease: [Lupus, Arthritis, MS, Crohn's]

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