
United Freedom Benefits [Scam Or Legit?]

Getting mailers from United Freedom Benefits? Discover if it’s a scam or legit in this review article?

Want to discover what United Freedom Benefits is REALLY about and whether or not it’s a scam? Learn how to make a report to help remedy this type of situation and keep safe to the best extent possible? Then perfect! You have found the right article.

Within this article, I will help to give you all the facts that you need to know so that I can then help you and your family out and benefit you the most.

And by the way, if you can click here to learn more about the potentially FREE benefits that the government may provide people who are disabled or retired on a fixed income!

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Who United Freedom Benefits Is 

According to information in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) files, United Freedom Benefits has had a pattern that involves complaints that are alleging many Service Issues.

Many consumers have complained that they are getting very large amounts of mail that was unsolicited correspondence, to say the least from United Freedom Benefits.

Consumers also allege the information provided is deceitful in nature, where it is describing a government benefit, while in all actuality United Freedom Benefits is not a government-affiliated company.

When consumers attempt to “OPT-OUT” of receiving future letters, they indicate there is no option to decline service.

On October 12, 2021, BBB contacted United Freedom Benefits seeking their voluntary cooperation in eliminating the pattern of complaints.

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BBB has received no response from United Freedom Benefits regarding the identified pattern of the complaint.

The BBB says that they will update about this aspect of the Business Profile once additional information becomes available.

How They Work

United Freedom Benefits mails out a benefit card that looks like it’s an official Government sanctioned or affiliate card to fill out and obtain insurance. Stating it’s from a Health Insurance company where it’s not even a policy and expensive.

Medical Standards and Guidelines click this link for a sample of what has happened to people across our nation.

Ripoff Report United Benefits Plans Review – Nationwide

Details: United Benefits Plans United Caring Association, Freedom Series, Freedom Life Insurance Company of America,Multi plan limited Benefit Plan sold a benefit card, expensive, stated it was United health iInsurance. It was not a health insurance policy. Manassas Virginia united freedom benefits dept scam.

More on this Ripoff Report link click here.

United Benefits Plans Patriot Health.com Deceptive marketing and credit card slamming Syosset, New York Internet     Health Insurance: United Benefits Plans

Even as far back as Jul 03, 2014 04:58 PM is more on this problem. To read click on this link.

What United Freedom Benefits Is Trying To Do

This is a sample of one of the reviews 


I received this mail piece that looked like it was from the government social security office. The letter talked about funeral expenses and that there was a government funding that most people don’t know about. There was a slip in the mail piece that ask for your name, emai and phone number. The only place that it said anything about it not being affiliated with the government was at the bottom of this slip. With that, I got leary to what their intentions were and looked them up on the internet and found the bbb listing on them. I hope to find out what they were up to and hope they haven’t took someone’s life saving.

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For More Reviews at BBB to read the many Complaints about United Freedom Benefits, click on this link.

How to Report this fraud to the United States Postal Service Inspector General

To Report this fraud click on this link.

This hotline is called the OIG Hotline. This hotline gets its information from the general public and customers and even it’s own employees.

This is a significant way for misconduct, wasteful experiences and fraud to be officially reported. 

To determine which OIG area should best investigate or inquiry appropriately, they can then responsibly evaluate all the complaints and concerns they have received in a more timely manner. 

All the information received are then collated and identified systematically to find any criminal issues and potential areas for postal-wide reviews.

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