
Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program Review

Are you looking for more information on how the Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program works?

Perhaps you’ve seen a television ad that has you curious and you want to know more information about whether or not this particular plan is a good investment.

If that’s the case, you’ve found the right article.

In this review we’ll cover:

  • What the Senior Legacy Life Insurance program offers,
  • What the fine print says, and,
  • Tell you how to get a second opinion to ensure you get the best coverage possible.

Looking for a quote for life insurance or burial insurance? Click here and see what you may qualify for. If you’d prefer to talk live, call 888-626-0439 to speak with us directly.

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What Is The Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program?

The Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program is a final expense insurance program offered to people between the ages of 50 or 80 years old. 

Senior Legacy Life Insurance says that their programs may qualify eligible applicants up to $30,000 in final insurance, for only pennies a day.

There are many reasons to take out a final expense program, some of which include wanting coverage on:

How To Apply For Coverage

It’s very simple to apply for coverage.

If you go to Senior Legacy Life’s website, you can get a free, no commitment quote for burial insurance by calling their number directly. 

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More Information On The Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program

Upon further investigation, it appears that the Senior Legacy Life Program is a TV ad campaign branded to generate insurance prospects for insurance agencies. 

Unfortunately, i’s unclear after reviewing their website what companies and products you may have the ability to buy. 

It appears that the Senior Legacy Life Insurance Program is a marketing front to generate the possibility for policy sales.

And it appears that Senior Legacy Life sells people’s information that comes into those organizations that would service it. 

What does this mean?

It means there’s no way to know the details of a coverage plan and type by simply reviewing the website.

It could be a final expense, whole life plan, rated at a good price.

Or it could be a plan that actually is what’s called guaranteed issue. 

Guaranteed issue life insurance does not cover for the first two years for natural causes of death.

Again, I have no clue whether or not any insurance agents with Senior Legacy Life would sell the final expense full coverage plan or the guaranteed issue plan.

But the best that I can tell just by reviewing is that it’s unclear as to how it works.

Get A Second Opinion

If you’re looking for a life insurance product to pay for your final expenses, second opinions are always a good thing, especially when purchasing life insurance.

My first recommendation? Review more burial insurance companies prior to making a decision on what to buy.

What you’ll find in the insurance business is that many times the offer for final expense insurance that you’re given is much higher or isn’t as high quality as another offer.

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When you buy life insurance, especially final expense burial insurance, you have to pay for the policy the rest of your life if you want to keep it. 

If you kick the bucket 20 years from now, well, you’ve had to pay all those 20 years.

And the last thing you want is to get a plan that’s too expensive, or maybe actually cancels before you actually die, which is called term insurance.

Either way, it’s unclear as to what Senior Legacy Life Insurance offers based on a review of their insurance page. 

Other Options

If you’re looking for a little bit more certainty as to what your options may be as far as coverage goes, we can help =).

We take your final expense insurance needs seriously.

For example, we shopped the major companies available to you to find out the best price and value of coverage. 

Bottom line, our goal is to get you the most coverage for the least amount of money, while doing the best job in providing peace of mind, knowing that your family will not have to pay for your final expenses. 

We have access to all the major companies like

  • Mutual of Omaha,
  • Gerber Life Insurance,
  • and more.

Our bottom line goal is to get you the best deal so that you can rest assured that you’re covered.

Get A Quote

If you’d like to learn more about how to get a free burial insurance quote without any obligations, there are two ways to do it. 

First of all, if you’re on your computer you should see on the side of the screen a free quote form.

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Please fill that out and one of our representatives will reply back with more information on what you may qualify for. 

If you’re on a smartphone, you should see an arrow at the top. Click on that, fill it out, and then submit a quote request that way. 

Last but not least, if you’d rather speak to somebody live, call us directly at 888-626-0439.

You’ll speak to one of our friendly representatives about how to get a free quote for final expense burial insurance in less than 10 minutes.

I hope this article helped you determine if the Senior Legacy Life Program is a good fit.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Otherwise, thank you for reading.

Disclaimer: We are not in any way affiliated with Senior Legacy Life Insurance. In fact, we are a direct competitor of theirs. This article is our personal review and our personal opinions of the company. If you are looking to contact Senior Legacy Life Insurance directly, call them at 1-800-333-8818.
