
Refund Policy (How Free Looks Work)

Are you here to learn more about the Refund Policy and discover what the free look period means and how to utilize your options to the best extent possible? Then perfect! You have found the right article.

Within this article, I will help to give you all the facts that you need to know so that I can then help you and your family out and benefit you the most.

And by the way, if you can click here to learn more about the potentially FREE benefits that the government may provide people who are disabled or retired on a fixed income!

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How the Free Look Period Works

The free look period benefits the policyholder. The law allows the policyholder a stipulated period of 15 days as a free-look period. The 15 days start from the date of receipt of the policy document. 

Free-look periods are most commonly associated with life insurance policies. The term is at least 3 years for health insurance policies. Laws vary by state.

The contract holder can decide if they want to keep the insurance policy during the free look period. Suppose you choose not to keep the policy. In that case, you are allowed to cancel the new life insurance policy without any penalties, for example, surrender charges, and get a full refund on life insurance policies.

This free look period, also known as the free examination period, allows you to continue asking the insurer questions to clarify all about your policy.

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Grace Period

When the insurance company gets your request to cancel, they will try to contact you to offer solutions to your cancellation reasons. If you still decline the policy at that point, then the insurance company will issue a refund.

If the policy was a (UlIP), Unit Linked Insurance Policy, which is an investment and provides a Life Coverage or possibly medical examinations provided by the insurance company for the policy that you are declining paid by the insurance company to help you get the policy, that amount w. In that case, those expenses will not be refunded to you. 

1. It is the policyholder’s responsibility to prove the date of receipt of the policy document.

2. In the case of an online sale of a policy, the free-look period of 15 days is extended to 30 days.

Brief Free Look Period History

Life Insurance in America was poorly regulated and tarnished with many scams in the 30s-40s. Thus life insurance received a lousy reputation with salesman often bullying customers with high-pressure tactics, and many never paid claims.

The good news is this reputation forced reform in the insurance industry. State governments got involved in finding solutions to the many complaints and abusive sales strategies. These solutions of progress also inspired legislation to today’s reputable status. It’s also the legislation that developed this free look period standard of today’s market.

Best Advice Before Making a Wrong Commitment is Contact:

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Always remember:

  • Do your research
  • Be informed
  • Get all the truth
  • Never give out your personal information. 
  • Only update through proper channels or seek a reputable professional to contact and choose yourself to be safe.

Good News What to do if you want life insurance but don’t want salespeople calling or visiting you

Remember, don’t send a postcard back to an anonymous source when you can find a reputable professional independent insurance broker that you choose on your own!

  • An Independent Broker Professional that can access all of the best carriers in your area.
  • An Independent Broker Professional can shop around for the absolute best program that suits you.

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