
Mortgage Processing Center Junk Mail [Scam Or Legit?]

IMPORTANT! Please read below: 

We are NOT Mortgage Processing Center. We are not the company mailing you. We are here to help you know more about these mailers and how to stop future mailings. We ask you to please NOT call 888-626-0439 to ask us to stop mailing you. 

Are you getting mailers from Mortgage Processing Center? Is Mortgage Processing Center a scam? Does it REALLY stop junk mail letters? Get the answer here.

Want to discover what Mortgage Processing Center is REALLY about and whether or not it’s a scam? Learn how to make a report to help remedy this situation and keep safe to the best extent possible? Then perfect! You have found the right article.

Within this article, I will help to give you all the facts that you need to know so that I can then help you and your family out and benefit you the most.

This article will explain everything about Mortgage Processing Center, what happens, what you need to know, and how to stop future mailings.

And by the way, if you can click here to learn more about the potentially FREE benefits that the government may provide people who are disabled or retired on a fixed income!

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What is the Mortgage Processing Center Junk Mail scam?

It can be confusing if you have a fairly new mortgage and are getting flooded with mailers that look official. Even refinancing a mortgage, you will get this type of junk mail.

This list of filing for a mortgage is a public record, and businesses can get personal information of the mortgage lender and your home address.

This opens the door for legitimate businesses (or unscrupulous scam artists) to send you solicitations. The solicitations are marketed and communicated in a way that some homeowners might believe this is a necessary piece of information to fill out and return instead of knowing it’s an advertising ploy, especially after signing so many documents for that new home.

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It’s not from any official bank or government agency, or mortgage company. It’s merely an attention-getter to try and sell you something.

An example from Mortgage Processing Center is a letter that had a return address as a residential home. The man who came to the door would not provide his name since he was questioned and said it was not deceptive since it had the small print in that letter saying to sell insurance.

Mortgage Processing Center literature shows a link at www.homeloanprotector.com.

How The Scam Mailer Works

As stated above, businesses by public records or even spending money purchasing these lists for new people to sell and market products.

These lists can be purchased and distributed from different direct-mail companies. Zip codes and even specific neighborhoods according to financial stability can be pinpointed to sell their various services.

Even local businesses will mail you that you have never heard of before because of these lists.


EECU, a not-for-profit credit union, says homeowners should be wary of these official-looking solicitations posing as but are not from the EECU.

Small print at the bottom of the mailer usually says “not affiliated with or endorsed by any bank or lending institution.” 

Buyer Beware is deceptive, unsolicited marketing, and predatory that is disguised and presented in such a way that looks real and official, creating this sense of urgency to act now when it’s the opposite.

Know the difference between good advertising and fraud.

What Happens If You Send The Mailer Back?

The fake government solicitation comes with a postage-paid return envelope. The return mail or paid card asks you to give your personal information such as:

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name & spouse’s name

your ages

street address

phone number

Consumer experts urge seniors to be careful about sending back anonymous postcards. The National Council of Organizations on Aging says these solicitations can’t check out the insurer’s policy in advance if you don’t send your personal information.

What happens if you return the card or form?

If you reply to Direct Mail Processing, a third-party mail provider, they sell your name to insurers so an agent can call you. Be aware an agent will contact you and try very hard to sell you final expenses, life insurance, and more products.

Remember, don’t send a postcard back to an anonymous source when you can find a reputable professional independent insurance broker that you choose in your community!

Government Federal and State Laws

Federal and State Laws prohibit insurers from directly soliciting seniors if that senior has requested the information. As a result, companies contract a third party to mail a solicitation on their behalf.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has discussed restricting this type of solicitation for years but still has not changed.

Helpful Warnings of Documented Complaints

How To Stop Mailings

  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) link How To Stop Junk Mail
  • How To Get Less Mail From Marketers
  • How To Stop Credit Card and Insurance Offers
  • Stop unsolicited emails at Email Preference Service 
  • Stop unwanted calls at ftc.gov/calls.
  • Register at www.optoutprescreen.com. You will need to give your date of birth and social security number to register. However, doing so will stop the prescreened offers of credit for five years. If you print out and mail in the permanent Opt-Out Election Form, it will stop them forever.
  • File with your State Department of Insurance takes complaints about misleading solicitation.
  • File with your State Attorney General handles other consumer complaints.
  • File with the Better Business Bureau website, allowing consumers to search for information about a business and file complaints.
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Decide the types of mail you want or don’t wish to receive from all marketers by registering at DMAchoice.org , the Direct Marketing Association’s (DMA) consumer website. 

You can choose what mail and which magazine offers and catalogs you wish to get for a nominal processing fee of $2 is charged. This registration lasts 10 years.

Protect yourself and your friends and family by making sure they can recognize these scams. 

Do you feel that you have been the victim of a scam? If so, contact your state’s consumer protection agency.

What should you do if you want life insurance but don’t want salespeople calling or visiting you?

Remember, don’t send a postcard back to an anonymous source when you can find a reputable professional independent insurance broker that you choose on your own!

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