
Colonial Penn Life Insurance Review

Colonial Penn life insurance is a well known insurance provider. Many people trust big names when buying life insurance.

While it’s true, a well known brand can be a safer choice, that is not always the case. Large insurance companies understand how to word their offering in a way that is hard to understand. Gotcha clauses and complex fine print can confuse any of us if we don’t carefully read the policy.

Colonial Penn offers the popular 995 plan. This plan is affordable for many, but there are some major trade offs.

For some people, the trade offs are simply not worth the risk. This is because this reputable company may not be the best choice, especially if you die earlier than expected.

While the Colonial Penn plan is good for some, it is not the best option for many others because of the misleading fine print.

Before you buy the Colonial Penn 995 plan or any other plan, I urge you to read this article. I cover the most important questions and factors you need to consider before you pay for a Colonial Penn insurance policy.

Read on to learn more.

Looking for a quote for life insurance or burial insurance? Click here and send me a message with details of what you’re wanting to accomplish. If you’d prefer to talk live, call 888-626-0439 to speak with me directly.

Here’s An Overview Of Today’s Topics:

Video Reviews

Read through this article for detailed answers to your questions. Don’t miss out on my video reviews too. Take a look at the following videos to learn more about Colonial Penn.

Watch those videos or continue reading. Both my videos and this article provide VITAL information you need to know BEFORE you buy a Colonial Penn policy.

Who Is Colonial Penn Good For?

Colonial Penn offers some features individuals may find attractive. However, Colonial Penn is not the best choice for everyone.

Colonial Penn is best for people who want $50,000 or less coverage, no medical exam or lookback, and have serious health issues.

Why is Colonial Penn a good choice for the above individual? Read on to find out EXACTLY why and what you can do if you want to check out another option…

Colonial Penn Pro’s

Colonial Penn life insurance can offer a few positive things to their customers.

Pro’s Summary:

  • Guaranteed Acceptance Product
    • No questions asked
    • No medical examination
    • No two year look back
  • No need to stress about being rejected for medical reasons
  • Get a Quote online
  • 30 day try-it-on period
  • Payment through credit card, check, or automatic bank transfer

Colonial Penn generally advertises a guaranteed issue life insurance product. Guaranteed Issue basically means ANYONE can be insured as long as you fall within their accepted age range.

So, if you have diabetes, that’s fine, you can be insured. You had surgery 3 months ago, no worries, you will be accepted! While this may sound great, keep in mind, the amount of coverage you get is not enough.

They also offer a 30 day free look period or “try-it-on” period. This is a timeframe where you can set up your policy and see if you want to keep it. If you decide you do not want the coverage you can get a refund within 30 days and cancel your coverage.

Lastly, they have a convenient online quotation service for interested individuals. You may even have the option to purchase your insurance policy online. However, this is not unique to Colonial Penn.

Guaranteed acceptance means they don’t know who’s coming in and getting insured. The company is taking on more risk by accepting people without thoroughly checking their medical history. However, there are trade offs to this product and for many, the trade offs are simply not worth it. Read on to find out more.

Colonial Penn Con’s

Insurance companies want to find customers who will live a long time. If they don’t ask questions, generally you can expect two things. One, the prices are a lot higher than the competition, and they limit your coverage for two years.


  • Two year wait until full coverage for Guaranteed Acceptance
  • Guaranteed Acceptance only available for certain age groups
  • Not all of their plans are available in New York or Virginia
  • Their coverage is limited to $50,000 for whole life and term policies

Two Year Full Coverage Wait

With Colonial Penn, your full coverage does not start until two full years after you are initially insured. This means you are paying for insurance for 24 months before you actually have the protection.

For those with very severe health issues, this can be a challenge.  If you die within those first two years by natural causes, you will not get your payout. You may receive a refund of your previous payments plus a small amount of interest.

That’s not a good thing because at the end of the day you may die sooner than expected; that’s the reality of this business. We cannot predict when, where, and how we will pass. It is recommended that you always have the appropriate life insurance coverage. On top of that burial insurance is also a VERY good idea for any adult over 45.

You may be thinking you’re going to live longer than two years –and I hope you’re right. There are plenty of instances where people die way earlier –and way younger– than they should. The two-year delay in coverage helps the insurance company reduce the risk of providing Guaranteed Insurance.

Coverage Capped

For Colonial Penn’s whole life and term policies, the most coverage you can get is $50,000. There are no other options for higher coverage at Colonial Penn. If you want a higher benefit amount you will need to choose a different company.

The coverage cap along with the two-year wait period  Can seriously limit an individual’s level of protection.  Coverage of only $50,000 will only go so far. For some families that may barely cover a year’s worth of expenses.

When looking at an insurance plan, you need to make sure the plan will cover your family’s expenses and daily needs. Having a general idea of your yearly income, as well as your yearly expenses, and any debts you make Harry will help you choose the right benefit limit.

SEE ALSO  Globe Life Insurance Review - My Take As An Agent

If you  want to discuss the amount of coverage you would need and compare appropriate insurance plans, contact us for a free quote. We have access to a variety of insurance companies. We shop around for you and compare plans. Then we get back to you with the best options for you and those you love. Give me a call at 888 626 0439.

New York And Virginia Limited Availability

Another con is that not all Colonial Penn’s insurance policies are available in New York or Virginia Island. If you live in either of those locations your choices will be more limited. You would not be able to apply for term Life policies, you would only be able to apply for guaranteed acceptance policies or whole life insurance policies.

So if you are looking for a term life policy you would need to select a different insurance provider.

Company Customer Reviews

When you look at the reviews of Colonial PennLife Insurance on Trustpilot, the results are not good. Trustpilot has only two reviews on Colonial Penn, which could mean customers were not satisfied enough to even spend a minute reviewing the company. Overall, the company carries a 2.9/5 rating on Trustpilot. 

Reading through the two reviews I noticed customers mentioning complaints regarding their customer service, being charged for products they had canceled, and having issues with returning products.

Investopedia gives a 3.⅖ rating to Colonial Penn. The National Association Of Insurance Commissioners, or NAIC keeps a database of all complaints about insurance companies. During each year, the statistics will be published for the general public to see.

The NAIC estimates 1.0 to be the average ratio of complaints for any given insurance provider. A number higher than 1.0 means the company has a higher average of complaints, while a number lower than 1.0 would indicate higher client satisfaction and a below average number of complaints.

For 2020, Colonial Penn had a ratio of 2.12. That is over double the national average and a large increase from their previous (2019) ratio of 1.16. This would seem to indicate their customers have faced more issues or been less satisfied with their products. 

Overall, the reviews for Colonial Penn are not good…

Available Plans 

Colonial Penn offers three different types of plants, they are guaranteed acceptance, whole life, and renewable term life insurance.  As was mentioned above their coverage limit is $50,000 and the guaranteed acceptance plan  does not fully cover you until 2 years after your first payment.

All Colonial Penn offers affordable plans, they come with very large trade-offs.

Guaranteed Acceptance Plan

You are eligible for the guaranteed acceptance plan if you fall between the ages of 50 to 85. As I mentioned in the headings previously, guaranteed acceptance means there are no questions asked and no medical exam. This is a great option for people who are seriously ill or who may be rejected from other carriers for medical reasons.

After an initial two-year wait, you are finally eligible for the full coverage payout. The premium will be locked in and it will never increase for as long as you pay your premium and your coverage stays in effect.

You have coverage for accidental or natural death within the first two years and onward. Like if you are hit by a car or pass in another type of accident.

Customer Service

Colonial Penn does not have any insurance agents or financial professionals that meet with clients. Colonial Penn directly deals with their consumers. If you have questions or any issues, you can contact the company directly.

However, if you choose to work with us, one of our agents can stick with you throughout the whole process and answer any questions you have. This would no doubt make the process simpler and faster. Contact us to get a free quote and learn more about your options. Call me at 888 626 0439.

You can also take a look at Colonial Penn’s policies online through their website.

If you would like to reach Colonial Penn’s sales department, you can call their phone number 877-877-8052, and ask to speak directly to a representative. They are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET. There are also available Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. ET.

Canceling Policies 

Colonial Penn has a 30-day try it out period.  During this time, if you were to decide you no longer want the coverage you can call Colonial Penn customer service department at 800-523-9100.  You should receive a full refund of any premiums that you paid.

How Does Making A Claim Work?

To make a claim with Colonial Penn, you need to physically mail in a claim. The beneficiary on the policy must complete and submit the claim form. They must also provide a certified copy of the deceased’s death certificate and the original insurance contact.

Where Can I Find How Much I Will Be Paid?

You can confirm how much you should be paid by looking at the policy or certificate.

What If The Primary Beneficiary Has Passed Away?

If the primary beneficiary is deceased, the benefits can be paid to a contingent or secondary beneficiary. This is an alternative beneficiary the policyholder could have chosen when they were setting up the policy. If they did not select an alternative beneficiary the benefits can be paid to the estate of the policyholder.

If the benefits are paid to an estate a court appointed representative should be the one to complete the claim forms. A copy of the Court appointment document should also be provided along with any other requested documents.

How Long Does It Take To Receive My Benefits?

On average, life insurance companies will pay out the benefits of the policyholder within 30 to 60 days after you have submitted the forms and other documents. If there are any issues with your document this could delay the process.

Make sure you provide the correct documents and confirm the documents are in an acceptable form. For example some documents may need to be certified by a lawyer.

What Could Delay My Claim?

There are a few things that could delay an insurance claim. If you submit incorrect documents this could delay your payout. Other reasons could be a suicide clause, a homicidal investigation, or a two-year contestability Clause.

The main reasons your claim could be delayed would be

  • Your paperwork is incorrect
  • The beneficiary takes awhile to submit your claim
  • The insurance provider needs more information

If the insured dies within two years of purchasing the policy due to natural or accidental causes, the insurance company would not have to pay all benefits. The insurance company may pay back the premium with a small amount of Interest.

Usually your claim should be processed smoothly.

How Does Colonial Penn Compare To Their Competitors?

When comparing insurance providers there are a few factors that make a difference. They are:

  • Price Point
  • Customer Reviews
  • Ease of Application
  • Coverage Amount


Colonial Penn offers a $9.95 plan which is very attractive to those looking for a budget plan. This plan is however a gimmick. It gets people to pick up the phone, but after leaning more you will realize the coverage actually costs north of 40-50.

Customer Reviews

As I mentioned earlier, Colonial Penn carries 2 times the amount of complaints as their competitors. Their customer complaint ratio is 2.12.

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Ease Of Application

Colonial Penn and many other insurance companies offer easy online or e-applications. This is actually the norm, most companies have convenient ways to apply for coverage and complete your application.

Coverage Amount

The most coverage Colonial Penn offers for their 995 plan is around $20,000. This is the lower end of the benefits spectrum. Most companies offer $100,000. We offer coverage of up to $100,000 if that’s what you need.

Coverage For Seniors 

Colonial Penn offers coverage for people between the ages of 14 to 85.

Colonial Penn offers three plans for adults:

  • Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life
  • Simplified Issue Whole Life
  • Increasing Term Life

When you apply for the 995 plan, you will have a two-year overage wait. Learn what the two-year wait period is here.

This increases the risk that the policyholder may not receive their coverage. As described in the frequently asked questions section, if the policyholder passes due to natural causes within the two-year wait their family will not receive their benefits.

Are There Better Options?

You may be thinking, “that’s not a big deal, I will live for two more years easily…” And as I said, I truly hope you are right. But the insurance company has calculated that wait period to reduce the amount of benefits they have to pay out. It allows them to provide Guaranteed Acceptance while still making profit.

So, bottom line, unless you are VERY ill, regularly hospitalized, and practically on death’s door I would not suggest getting Colonial Penn’s Guaranteed Acceptance Plan.

What’s The $9.95 Plan?

The Colonial Penn 995 plan is a Guaranteed Acceptance Plan with a two year waiting period. You pay $9.95 per unit and you can buy up to 12 units. Each unit offers a set amount of coverage.

The amount of coverage you can get depends on your age and gender. There are no health questions asked and your approval is guaranteed.

What Is A Unit?

One unit of the Colonial Penn guaranteed insurance product is connected to the amount of life insurance coverage you got. Each unit costs $9.95. This does not mean your plan will be $9.95, it means each specific unit of an amount of coverage is $9.95. Sounds a bit confusing right?  Well, it is. Many people misunderstand this plan.

Take a look at the chart below. It details the coverage each unit provides depending on your age and gender.

Age Male 1 Unit ($9.95) Female 1 Unit ($9.95)
50 Coverage limit of $1,786 Coverage limit of $2,083
51 Coverage limit of $1,732 Coverage limit of $2,068
52 Coverage limit of $1,676 Coverage limit of $2,022
53 Coverage limit of $1,621 Coverage limit of $1,973
54 Coverage limit of $1,562 Coverage limit of $1,929
55 Coverage limit of $1,506 Coverage limit of $1,884
56 Coverage limit of $1,452 Coverage limit of $1,838
57 Coverage limit of $1,392 Coverage limit of $1,786
58 Coverage limit of $1,333 Coverage limit of $1,732
59 Coverage limit of $1,273 Coverage limit of $1,676
60 Coverage limit of $1,214 Coverage limit of $1,621
61 Coverage limit of $1,157 Coverage limit of $1,562
62 Coverage limit of $1,099 Coverage limit of $1,506
63 Coverage limit of $1,043 Coverage limit of $1,452
64 Coverage limit of $987 Coverage limit of$1,392
65 Coverage limit of $932 Coverage limit of $1,333
66 Coverage limit of $880 Coverage limit of $1,273
67 Coverage limit of $834 Coverage limit of $1,214
68 Coverage limit of $792 Coverage limit of $1,157
69 Coverage limit of $753 Coverage limit of $1,099
70 Coverage limit of $717 Coverage limit of $1,043
71 Coverage limit of $683 Coverage limit of$987
72 Coverage limit of $652 Coverage limit of $932
73 Coverage limit of $620 Coverage limit of$880
74 Coverage limit of $589 Coverage limit of $834
75 Coverage limit of $560 Coverage limit of $792
76 Coverage limit of $531 Coverage limit of $753
77 Coverage limit of $503 Coverage limit of $717
78 Coverage limit of $477 Coverage limit of $683
79 Coverage limit of $450 Coverage limit of $652
80 Coverage limit of $426 Coverage limit of $620
81 Coverage limit of$424 Coverage limit of $589
82 Coverage limit of $423 Coverage limit of $560
83 Coverage limit of $421 Coverage limit of $531
84 Coverage limit of $420 Coverage limit of $503
85 Coverage limit of $418 Coverage limit of $477

How Does The Plan Work?

To purchase a plan you give your basic information and based on your age and gender you will fall into a coverage limit.  Each unit has a different coverage amount. For example if you are a 50 year old male, one unit would give you $1,786 in coverage.  That one unit costs $9.95.

So let’s say you want about $10,000 in coverage, you would need to purchase 6 units to have $10,000 worth of coverage.

6*1786 = 10,716 in coverage and it would cost you $9.95*6 = $59.70 a month. See, not $9.95…

Basically you combine a certain number of units to reach the coverage you would like.

What Are The “Gotcha” Clauses?

So, what is the fine print you need to look out for. Well I have touched on it quite a few times in the article ready. However, let’s identify them again.

First of all, the Colonial Penn 995 plan does not just cost $9.95. If you buy one single unit of coverage, yes it would cost 995. But the most coverage you could get for that one unit is $2,000.83. That is a joke if you’re looking at life insurance coverage. Some life insurance policies can provide coverage of up to $3,000,000.

To get even 20,000 dollars of coverage you would need to buy 10 units. Remember each unit cost $9.95. So to get $20,000 of coverage you need to pay $99.50. see how that could confuse some people?

Second of all the plan comes with a two-year wait period.  This means if the policyholder dies of natural causes within the two-year wait time, the beneficiary will not receive the coverage money. They may receive the premiums the policyholder had paid and a small amount of interest.

Colonial Penn Rate Lock

Colonial Penn has a rate lock, this is not unique to Colonial Penn alone. It is very common for insurance companies to have a plan with a rate lock.

Whole life insurance has a rate lock. This type of policy has a fixed monthly price for life, it NEVER changes. Ever.

Most companies and most final expense/burial insurance plans have a rate lock. Whole life insurance no matter the company you buy from will always have a locked-in rate.

Is The $9.95 Plan Right For You?

So, is this 995 plan right for you? Do you have very bad health, are you regularly hospitalized, or have you had trouble being accepted by other insurance companies for medical reasons?

If you answer yes to any of those questions a guaranteed acceptance policy is probably a good choice for you. However, there are many companies that offer this kind of policy. Given Colonial Penn customer reviews and coverage cap of only $50,000 this is most certainly not the best guaranteed acceptance plan.

So, what should you do next? To learn more about the options available to you,  give me a call at  888 626 0439.  Working with an agent would no doubt make the process simpler and faster. Contact us to get a free quote and learn more about your options.

SEE ALSO  $75,000 Whole Life Insurance Review [Rates, Programs Revealed]

How Much Does Colonials Other Plans Cost?

Colonial Penn has other insurance products available for customers. View their coverage options and premium rates in the charts below.


Coverage 40-year-old Female 40-year-old Male
$10,000 $15.42 $18.21
$20,000 $27.08 $32.67
$30,000 $38.75 $47.12
$40,000 $50.41 $61.58
$50,000 $62.08 $76.04


Coverage 51-55 year old Female 51-55 year old Male
$10,000 $12.49 $16.49
$20,000 $23.48 $31.48
$30,000 $34.47 $46.47
$40,000 $45.46 $61.46
$50,000 $56.46 $76.46


Coverage 56-60 year old Female 56-60 year old Male
$10,000 $15.49 $21.16
$20,000 $29.48 $40.82
$30,000 $43.47 $60.47
$40,000 $57.46 $80.13
$50,000 $71.46 $99.79


Coverage 61-65 year old Female 61-65 year old Male
$10,000 $20.17 $29.22
$20,000 $38.83 $56.95
$30,000 $57.50 $84.67
$40,000 $76.16 $112.40
$50,000 $94.83 $140.12


Coverage 66-70 year old Female 66-70 year old Male
$10,000 $26.86 $39.51
$20,000 $52.21 $77.51
$30,000 $77.57 $115.52
$40,000 $102.93 $153.53
$50,000 $128.29 $191.53

7 1-75

Coverage 71-75 year old Female 71-75 year old Male
$10,000 $36.86 $55.12
$20,000 $72.21 $108.75
$30,000 $107.57 $162.37
$40,000 $142.93 $215.99
$50,000 $178.28 $269.61

Company Background

Colonial Penn was founded in 1968, it is a Philadelphia-based life insurance company. The company does not have any in-house insurance agents. Colonial Penn sells directly to Consumers online or through television ads.

Colonial Penn was one of the very first companies to offer the guaranteed acceptance policy. It continues to offer this type of policy to Consumers who are 50 years of age or older.

Colonial Penn is owned by CNO Financial Group. Read more about them here. 

Colonial Penn is licensed in 49 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. Limited policies can be applied for in the state of New York, however they are underwritten by Bankers Conseco Life Insurance Company.

Their customer service is provided over the telephone or on the web. Their phone number is 877-877-8054. And their website is www.colonialpenn.com/insurance.


What If I Have Pre-Existing Health Issues, Can I Still Be Covered?

Absolutely, there will always be an insurance provider willing to cover you. You remember the 995 plan? That is an example of a Guaranteed Acceptance plan. While I would not suggest a very healthy and insurable individual get a Guaranteed Acceptance plan, if you do have serious health issues, it may be a good option for you.

Your options will depend on your age and health. We have many different types of plans to meet the needs of each individual.

Even if you have had health issues recently, you will qualify for some kind of final expense insurance.

There are Guaranteed Acceptance policies. These policies ask no questions and guarantee coverage acceptance. Contact one of our agents by clicking the Get A Quote Now button or calling 888 626 0439.

What Is The Free Look Period?

The free look period is a period of time you are given to decide if you like their insurance policy. Some companies give you 10 days while other companies allow you up to 30 days. Each state may also have different laws and guidelines on their free look periods.

If you decide you do not want the policy WITHIN the free look period you can cancel the policy and get a refund of any premiums paid.

What Is Guaranteed Acceptance/Guaranteed Issue?

Guaranteed Acceptance or Guaranteed Issues is a specific type of plan where anyone is guaranteed coverage as long as you fall into the accepted age limit.

No questions asked, as soon as your application you will be accepted. Not every provider offers guaranteed acceptance. Guaranteed Issue is a good plan for any individual who has serious health issues or may be rejected by other providers.

What Is A Two Year Waiting Period?

A two year wait period or 2-year’s until full coverage clause means when you buy your insurance coverage you will not actually be for the first two years of owning the policy. Ouch!

You are covered for accidental or natural death such as getting hit by a car and passing. However, that is a very unlikely scenario.

So, for all other types of death, if you buy the 995 plan with the two year wait period and pass away within 24 months of the start date, your family will not receive the payout. Sucks right? Your family may be refunded the premiums you paid and a small amount of interest but they do not receive the benefit.

This clause is misunderstood or overlooked by MANY people, and unfortunately I know of cases where people passed within the 24 month wait period. Do not assume you would be fine.

It would be great if we could predict and plan for the date. But unfortunately we cannot know for certain when we will pass. Buying a policy with this clause is a pretty big risk for ANY individual.

What Is The Best Life Insurance Company?

The best life insurance company varies depending on your needs. I cannot choose one specific insurance company and say “Yeah, this is the best one for anyone.” but I can give you an idea of how to find or identify the best life insurance company for you.

The best life insurance company will have very good customer reviews, provide flexible coverage amounts, have a convenient and fast application process, and provide competitive premiums.

I do have a video review of the best life insurance companies for seniors 65 and older. Take a look at this 30 minute video to  learn more. Best Life Insurance For Seniors 65 And Older [Rates & Carriers Revealed]

What Are The Worst Burial Policies?

There are burial insurance policies I would NOT suggest. Different companies offer different features and I can assure you, some companies are MUCH better options than others.

Learn more about the 4 WORST burial insurance products. Watch this 15 minute video. Avoid These 4 WORST Burial Insurance Policies! [2021]

What Should You Do?

When deciding the right kind of insurance policy for you or a loved one, do not let marketing and hype guide you. Be wary of insurance providers that offer “cheap” premiums.

The expression, “You get what you pay for” is usually the case when it comes to insurance. Work with a reputable company that has good customer service review.

It is also a very good idea to work with an agent who can compare multiple companies and policies for you. This saves you time, energy, and stress. The insurance provider can access 10+ companies and compare ALL the plans you qualify for.

I encourage you to give us a call and take a few minutes to get a quote. Within a few minutes you can have the answers to important insurance questions and a few quotes to consider.  Call us at 888 626 0439.

Here’s the bottom line. When you buy insurance for final expenses, you want to make sure the insurance product is not just the best price, but the most coverage from the beginning. This is pivotal. This is why I’m doing this because I can help you out.

Once you click on that link – or go to buylifeinsuranceforburial.com –you’ll see all sorts of different information on how I can help you. You can submit a form to get more information.

I would be more than happy to talk to you, give you information on how things work under a no-obligation, no-pressure approach. If you like what I say, great. If not, that’s fine too. My job is just to give you the facts, and you decide for yourself if it’s a good deal for you and your family. Resources:

  1. Trustpilot reviews, read over customer reviews. Click the link below. Colonial PennLife Insurance Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.colonialpenn.com
  2. Visit Colonial Penn’s website and read about their plans, pricing, and features.Click the link below. Colonial Penn Website
  3. Nerdwallet review on Colonial Penn Insurance Provider. Click the link below. Colonial Penn Life Insurance Review 2022: Pros and Cons – NerdWallet
  4. Check out Investopedias review of Colonial Penn insurance provider. Click the link below to read more. Colonial Penn Life Insurance Review
  5. Take a look at some common questions people ask about making an insurance claim. Click the link below. Life Insurance Claims – Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Take a look at how an insurance claim could be delayed or refused. Click the link below. How Life Insurance Payout Works After Death?
  7. Consider a review of Colonial Penn and their pros and cons. Click the link below. Colonial Penn life insurance review 2022
  8. Compare colonial Penn to Globe Life. Click the link below. 2022 Globe Life Insurance Review (Prices, Pros & Cons)
  9. Compare Colonial Penn and Sproutt. Click the link below. Sproutt Life Insurance Review: My Experience Using Sproutt.
  10. Take a look at the pros and cons of Colonial Penn Life insurance. Click the link below. Colonial Penn Life Insurance Review | Pros and Cons (2022)
  11. Compare Colonial Penn to other insurance providers. Click the link below. Compare Companies Here
  12. Read more about the Colonial Penn 995 plan. Click the link below. Colonial Penn 995 Plan
  13. Take a look at this blog about Colonial Life. Click the link below. Globe Life & Colonial Penn | Why They Are Overrated! 5 Reasons

What Should You Do?

Here’s the bottom line. When you buy insurance for final expenses, you want to make sure the insurance product is not just the best price, but the most coverage from the beginning. This is pivotal. This is why I’m doing this because I can help you out.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ve gained truly valuable information on your search for life or burial insurance. If you’re ready to discover your options for life or burial insurance, call me at 888-626-0439 now for your free life insurance quote!

I’m a broker. I shop around to try and find the right price. I represent the most competitive companies out there that sell final expense. It’s very easy to see what I can do for you simply by going to this link.

Once you click on that link –or go to buylifeinsuranceforburial.com –you’ll see all sorts of different information on how I can help you, and you can submit a form or give me a call. I’ll be more than happy to talk to you, give you information on how things work under a no-obligation, no-pressure approach. If you like what I say, great. If not, that’s fine too. My job is just to give you the facts, and you decide for yourself if it’s a good deal for you and your family.
